Lose weight at home: comfortable, easy and effective!

It's easy to lose weight at home. The most important part of this process is the carefully selected diet. It should be moderate and balanced to provide all the nutrients the body needs.

Of course, at home, when there is a refrigerator nearby and you often have to open the refrigerator to cook for your family, it is extremely difficult to restrain yourself from eating extra but delicious things. The most important thing here is to have willpower and an attitude towards results. As they say, beat yourself, the one you love.

Effective weight loss rules at home

Rule one. Drink water before meals. A glass of water already takes up some space in your stomach, so you will eat less compared to drinking no liquids. In addition, nutritionists recommend drinking before meals, not during or after meals.

The second rule. Give up sweets and starchy foods. These types of foods are too conducive to the deposition of fat in different parts of the body. However, remember that not all flour is harmful. For example, pasta made with whole wheat flour or a small amount of baked goods made with whole wheat flour will not harm you. But cakes, ice cream, cakes, jam and bread are enemies in the literal sense.

Rule three. Only vegetable salads can be paired with meat and fish dishes. They are easily absorbed by the body and provide you and me with necessary useful substance complexes in the form of vitamins, trace elements and fibers. It is recommended to season such salads with soy sauce or olive oil. Resolutely refuse mayonnaise. It carries too many calories and is difficult to digest.

Slimming vegetables

Rule four. Avoid eating after 7pm. Some nutritionists don't even recommend drinking alcohol, let alone what to eat, after this daily timeline. In addition, by carefully digesting the food you ingest, your stomach will be half-empty during sleep, thereby preventing the fermentation process, which means that morning pain and bloating will not torture you.

The fifth rule. The most important thing is attitude. As a science, psychology exists for some reason, so some people need it. She helps, works, so to speak. First, imagine the goals you outlined. You have outlined yourself in all your glimmering glory. So imagine that you will lose those extra weight, and life will shine with bright colors. As we have seen, it is important that the means justify the purpose. If they do not prove to be reasonable, then we will not wake up, fight for this goal as best we can, and go all out. Some scientists even put forward a theory about the power of thought. In any case, the beautiful and bright dreams have not disturbed anyone. You can buy three of your favorite clothes for yourself, which are a few smaller than your size. And strive for the opportunity to wear these clothes to travel through time and space.

Article 6. Dieting is dieting. No one has cancelled physical exercise. Where do we not have such a "darling", we actively exercise every day. By choosing the right diet, fewer calories enter our body, and exercise will consume the calories lost. Not all, really.

What kind of physical exercise at home can help us?

Weight loss exercise

Perhaps the main rule is regular practice. Preferably three times a week. The interval between classes is optimal within a calendar day. The best time to exercise is from 11 in the morning to 1 in the afternoon, or from 5 to 7 in the evening. Naturally, you will stick to certain exercises. But remember, the load needs to increase. The body will adapt after three to four weeks. If it does not "heat" and does not increase the load, then the expected effect will not be achieved. You can change a set of exercises every month.

To prepare your body for rapid weight loss, run on the spot, raising your knees. Repeat this exercise for two to three minutes. Then bend in different directions for three to five minutes, and complete the preparations for the main practice group through rapid arm rotation exercises. All of these preloads will prepare your muscles and joints for the main load. Physical activity should not start earlier than two hours after a meal. And at least two or three hours before going to bed. Otherwise, you won't fall asleep for a long time.

Compulsory course

First. Start with squats. Bring your feet together and put your arms straight in front of you. Squat fifteen to twenty times. Rest for two minutes. Then spread your legs shoulder-width apart, with your arms on your sides. Do squats. Also fifteen to twenty times.

second. Then kick. To the left, then to the right, and vice versa. Put your hands on your waist. Repeat the exercise fifteen times. It will strengthen the muscles of the buttocks.

third. Then lie on the mat (not too soft), hold the dumbbells in your hands, when you inhale, raise them as high as possible above you, and when you exhale, lower the dumbbells as much as possible. Repeat twelve times. Do you feel how the pectoral muscles bear their load? Over time, the weight of dumbbells will increase and the number of methods will increase.

Dumbbell exercise to lose weight

fourth. Don't get up. Bring your arms together with the dumbbells in front of you, and slowly raise your head without bending your arms. The amount of exercise is the same as in the previous case.

fifth. The next exercise will have a positive effect on the process of reducing waist circumference. To perform it, take a high pole and place it on the shoulder behind the head. Fix the sticks at both ends with your hands. Bend as low as possible. Do it twenty-five times.

sixth. Lie on the mat so that you can hold stationary objects with your hands. Bend your legs at your knees and lift them above your head. After raising it, keep it in that position, and then put it down.

Practice strenuous walking. This kind of walking will not produce a small load, which is very conducive to weight loss. Walk farther and farther every day. Going uphill can significantly increase the load.

Video course training

They are very effective. Especially for those who are tired of inventing a set of exercises for themselves and performing it. With the accompaniment of cheerful music, things will progress faster. In addition, you will learn new load types for yourself. However, make sure you are not overloaded. They are harmful to your health. When exercising behind the coach on the TV screen, we forgot the huge difference in load between the recorded and actual exercise. What is shown must be tried in your temporary reality. We recommend trying the callanetics course. In addition to adhere to diet and exercise, although there are food restrictions, it is necessary to arrange a fasting day for yourself and eat only vegetables and fruits. This kind of food is very useful and easily absorbed by the body.

You can buy fitness equipment for your home. Treadmills and bicycles are still very popular. Cardiovascular equipment or cross trainers have also recently become popular. They provide the least trauma and the most effective training environment. The disadvantage is its large size. They take up too much space and are large enough. The aerobic exercise machine is designed to burn calories and exercise the upper body. The result is provided by the movement of a special lever.

So let us draw some conclusions.

You can effectively lose excess weight at home. The important thing is to adapt to victory and combine various means and methods of struggle. However, it is recognized that the most important way to burn fat is to restrict diet and exercise.

Nutrition and exercise for weight loss

It is best to consult a dietitian about restricting diet. Modern methods of studying your body will enable you to determine which products are best to refuse. The doctor will tell you the best and lowest cost method to get your body into a slim figure. Where to execute the doctor's order? Anywhere, even at home. What is not the place to implement the weight loss plan.

By the way, if you lose weight purposefully, the family environment can only contribute to this. For example, no one gets distracted. Do the exercises you like, and no one makes suggestions. You can also choose the load yourself. The cost is lower, because you don’t need to pay for the gym and coaches. This is such arithmetic!